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GSO Test


Subject Expectations: History

Subject Lead:  Miss G Cowley

How often and when is the subject taught?

The subject is taught discretely each week in blocks which alternate with Geography.

All classes teach History in the afternoon, however it is also evident through the teaching of Reading and Writing, due to the class texts used.

Who teaches the subject?

Class teachers teach History.

How is the subject recorded? (Which book? Photographs? How is it evidenced?)

Children are provided with a Humanities book, in which all work is evidenced, through written work and photographs. However, cross curricular work is also evident in Reading, Writing and Maths books.

How is the subject taught?

The subject is taught following the National Curriculum and long term plans provided to staff. Target Tracker also provides a guideline for teachers to follow as this informs staff of the expectation for their year group.

How is the subject assessed/marked?

Work in books is marked according to the school Marking Policy. Teachers assess against the Learning Objectives specified on our whole school History curriculum map. At the end of each unit of work, pupils complete an application task which is assessed by Class Teachers. At the end of each unit of work, teachers assess pupils attainment, identifying pupils Working Towards ARE, Working at ARE and Working at Greater Depth.

How is the subject planned for? (Short/Medium/Long term planning)

Staff complete their own Medium term plans for each unit of work. Lessons consist of starters, main lesson and plenaries, often with developmental tasks provided as AfL. Work is expected to be differentiated in order to ensure all pupils are able to access the learning and all pupils are sufficiently challenged to maximise their potential.

How is work for the subject displayed?

All classrooms have a Theme display board, which is changed termly and alternates between a History and Geography focus. Displays usually consist of a topic title, key words, children’s questions and a variety of children’s work.

Resourcing (What/Where is it stored?)

There are a variety of resources available to aid in the teaching of History, some of these are stored in the Learning Room, while others are kept in individual classrooms. Year groups are provided with topic themed books, props and artefacts.

What homework is set?

Topic themed homework is set through half-termly learning projects which vary between History, Geography and Science. Children are provided with tasks to complete over the half term in order to independently extend their own subject knowledge.

Cross Curricular Learning and Current Events Evidence

There is a variety of cross curricular evidence available from all year groups, including Reading, Writing and Maths.

A class text is provided termly to link in with the Topic being covered every term.  This text is mainly taught through the Reading targets and lessons however also provides stimulus and direction for Writing lessons. Teachers also provide cross curricular Maths opportunities throughout the term, linked to Target Tracker targets.