Blog Posts
This half term has been quite challenging for the children in Reception with it being so new to them. The children are finding their way to transition slowly to the demands of school life. They have been getting used to new routines and learning to follow classroom rules, making it a positive environment for them to learn and shine. The children have already come a long way since the start of September and we are gradually learning the expectations of our school. We have been learning about each other and our families and most of the children have made some good friends. They really are an incredible bunch!
In literacy, we are focussing on communication and language, using sentence starters such as, ‘I can see’, ‘Can I’ and using ‘and’ and ‘because’ to expand their language and understanding. The activities they get engaged with relates to the topic we are currently doing, which is ‘This is me’. The children have been boasting about their families and it is very exciting to hear about it all. We are trying to encourage each other to communicate well with their peers through role plays, show and tell and circle time. A precious time where children are listening to others; gaining confidence and therefore finding their own way to connect with their peers.
In phonics, the children have been learning new sounds and orally blending them together to form cvc words.
In Maths the children have been looking at matching and sorting objects, repeated patterns and comparing size and amounts.
The children have also had the opportunity to take their learning outside into our new play area where they are learning wonderful new things.
It has been a great start to the year! Well done to all the children in Reception.
Mrs Ali is super proud of you all!
#Aim high and believe, learn and achieve