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Year 1

In Year 1 this half term we have done some great new learning over the past few weeks. In history the children really enjoyed learning about the past and how this is different to their lives now in the 21st century. We looked at some old house-hold items some of which we made some wacky guessing about- for example the children made a prediction that a bed warmer was in fact used for making pancakes! They were very shocked to learn it was used as an old-fashioned water bottle. For this topic, the children also interviewed some of their senior members of the family to see how their life was different as part of their homework and the responses were very interesting.

In science, we have carried on with our animals including human topic, where we have learnt all about carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores as well as mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish and insects. In English we have focused on a character called Michael. We have also written a fantastic setting description based on pictures in the book.  In maths the children have really enjoyed learning about 3D and 2D shapes and we have been practicing naming them and creating patterns, as well as this we have had a big focus on addition and subtraction within 10. 

I hope you all have a great Christmas and the children come back well rested and ready to go in January 🙂 

Miss Parkins